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Franchise system, which has been started from the United States of America for 100-year, is one of the fast-growing business model in the world. This system is judged to the continuous growth. In Korea, it prevails a field of the food service industry. Core technology and investigation, however, are very important assets for catching the rapid growth in order to solve problems based on the management. There are lots of studies discussed about the introduction of franchise system and construction, factors of complication, and the satisfaction index. Whereas, this study turns its attention to the mutual relation between the franchisor and the franchisee is affected by the characteristic of the franchise system. Also it tells how this relation has an effect on the long-oriented renewal. Finally, it investigates the effective management of a restaurant franchise system based on the valuation accoridng to the relationship between a peculiarity of franchisor and solidarity of trade connections.

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keyword : United Connection, Franchise Headquarter System