초록 열기/닫기 버튼

TAccording to the results of this study, it appeared that a fast-food restaurant was used for such four factors as 'service/cleanliness', 'discount', 'use-convenience', 'purpose having a meal'. The quality of service was graded by 'type', 'reliance', 'confrontation', 'conviction', 'sympathy'. To classify the types of the motivation using a fast-food restaurant, the cluster analysis was carried out utilizing the factors of the use-motivation. As a result, the use-motivations were classified into such types as 'the type pursuing use-convenience', 'the type lukewarm', 'the type for a meal'. Each group classified by the use-motivation appeared to have differences among groups in five dimensions of service quality in a fast-food restaurant. By the results of post-hoc, it was inspected that there were differences between the type pursuing use-convenience and 'the type lukewarm', and between the type pursuing use-convenience and the type for a meal.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

service quality, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis