초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The goal of this paper lies in analyzing the visitors of the 2005 Hoengsung Hanu Festival, strengthening an aspect suitable to a new festival environment, and presenting a future developmental direction as a representative regional festival, thus making a contribution to the activation of the regional economy, and consolidating ties between communal residents.To do this research, a course for acquiring the basic data needed for the evaluation of the Hoengsung Hanu Festival, I undertook a research analysis of the 2005 Hoengsung Hanu Festival's planning, operation, programs, and also conducted a visitors' survey. The analysis method of this research was mainly done with a simple frequency analysis; therefore, I sought to have the most basic data of the Hanu Festival's evaluation, and have it reflected in a part of a further regional festival policy process.A frequency analysis of regional festival policy, though it is simple, is the easiest analytic method for the researcher's aim, and thus emphasis was placed on the fact that this can be an important method in easily accomplishing the evaluation of regional festival policy and the reflux capacity.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Hoengsung Hanu Festival, festival environment, representative regional festival, activation, evaluation, frequency analysis, regional festival policy process, reflux capacity