초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Although the outsourcing of information systems has been widely used for a long time, there are few systematical researches on the situational variables in the information system of restaurant management and outsourcing results. For this reason, this study examines the relationships among the situational variables in the information system of restaurant companies, the level of outsourcing, and outsourcing results and attempts to raise the quality of restaurant management and suggest progressive ways of rational operation and efficient management of employees. The results of the empirical analysis of this study are summarized as follows. First, the financial capability and information technology resources of a contracting company have statistically significant effects on partnership; the external circumstances of information systems such as the uncertainty of information technology and the uncertainty of circumstances have positive effects on the quality of partnership. Second, the reliability and interdependence of a contracting company, or the service company of a client company have positive effects on outsourcing results. Third, the financial capability of a contracting company has positive effects on outsourcing results while information technology resources and the capability of information technology have positive effects on efficiency at work. Furthermore, the uncertainty of information technology and the uncertainty of circumstances have positive effects on the external circumstances of information systems.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Information technology, Situational Variables, Level of Outsourcing, Outsourcing Results, Uncertainty of Information Technology,