초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In the various studies, it has been consistently advocated that the perceptions of consumers about different kinds of imported products are affected by country of origin. However, not only these perceptions are related with the specific products but also, as the results of studies which about industrial goods, it is impossible for these perceptions of consumers to be generalized. Therefore, studies of origin declaration are necessary for understanding perceptions of consumers about specific food product such as beef. This study is to examine how country images and product images have influence on product evaluation of consumer. First of all, this study is to seek how the country image of USA affects the purchasing evaluations of consumers who buy USA meat product. Secondly, this study is to seek how the product image of USA affects the purchasing evaluations of consumers who buy USA meat product. The data for the empirical study were collected through a structured questionnaire survey for consumers who have and experience of buying USA meat. The total number of 350 questionnaires were distributed and 329 questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis. the data were analyzed suing SPSS 12.0. The result of country image of the USA and purchasing evaluation of consumer was significant. The product image and purchasing evaluation was also significant. In conclusion, this study shows that country image can be significant information for consumers to purchase the USA product. In other words, country image related whit the product can affect consumers when they purchase the products.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Country of Original, Purchase Evaluation, Perceptual Quality, National Image, Purchasing Attitude.