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This study analyzed how characteristics of internal customers in a servicescapes of food service kitchen influence Organizational Commitment. Based on theoretical researches, the relationships among variables were extracted and then, the following hypotheses were set. First, demographic properties significantly affect servicescapes factors. Second, servicescapes factors significantly affect organizational commitment. According to the results of hypothesis testing, the influence of demographic properties on the servicescapes was R=0.401, (R2=0.161), F=8.247 and P=0.000 which means that the statistical model was appropriate. Also, age was analyzed to significantly impact the servicescapes, based on a regression coefficient, and the influence of servicescapes factors on organizational commitment of internal customers was R=0.416, (R2=0.173), F=9.008 and P=0.000 and thus it was proven that the statistical model was appropriate, too. In addition, stability that is one of servicescapes factors, had a significant effect on organizational commitment, based on a regression coefficient. These findings demonstrate that internal customers working in food service kitchens are highly influenced by kitchen's servicescapes, depending upon their age. Moreover, among several servicescapes factors of food service kitchen, stability significantly influenced organizational commitment of internal customers. Therefore, restaurant managers need to design the kitchen and install facilities, in consideration of stability, functionality, convenience and air-conditioned environment, from the planning of kitchen facilities so internal customers can be committed to their organizations. This study is limited in representing the entire kitchen environment, since it was focused on four servicescapes factors of food service kitchen only. Accordingly, a further research will have to be targeted at more various factors.