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본논문은중국에서대중적인관광에서개인자유여행으로여행패턴의변화가상하이도시에서2000년대이후선도적으로나타난것과상하이의사회문화적변화의관련을살펴보고자한것이다. 즉상하이의도시공간은소비이데올로기에따라재구성되고여행을가족중심의일상생활에서의소비할수있게된변화의과정을거쳤으며이는여행상품의변화를 추동하였다. 또한 여행과관련해사용되는중산층의의미인‘小資’의기호도다양한경험과체험을소비하려는젊은층의기호를반영하여나타났고이들이여행소비를주도하였던것이다. 이는 온라인여행사携程網의등장과도관련이있었다. 携程網의등장은이러한구매층의형성외에도 중앙정부의여행정책과지방정부의지원등에힘입어여행산업을통한이윤창출이중요한발전의동력이되었다. 또한온라인여행망을 상하이여행공간과여행문화의변화와연계하여검토한결과실제온라인여행상품은이들젊은여행소비자층에의해생산되었고개인자유여행이내포하는자유롭고다양한여행이라는가치가소비될수있도록유포, 확산된것임을알수있었다. 여행커뮤니티를통해서는베이징, 홍콩, 저장등여행공간간의이미지형성을위한내적갈등관계나긴장관계역시작용하고있다는점도드러났으며여행공간의이미지형성은지속적으로커뮤니케이션의네트워크를통해반복되어고착되어나간다는점에서인터넷공간의활용과작용이중요하게작용한다고볼수있다. 하지만 역사와문화를강조하던인문여행역시이윤을위해상품화될수있는여지가있다는면에서개인자유여행체험이란좀더고도화된새로운소비의일환일수있다는점이변화된상하이여행문화의함의라고본다. 그러므로상하이여행문화는향후중산층의소비욕구에부합하여인문, 문화, 자연휴식의욕구를소비하게하는방향으로전개될것이다.

In this article I tried to examine the changes in travel patterns in Shanghai appeared around 2000s in relate to thesocietal changes in Shanghai, which characterized as transition from traditional large-scale package tour to freeindependent one. It was associated with the emergence of “New Middle Class” leading the consumer culture ofShanghai, and this new thriving class brought about the changes in the travel patterns. Considering these culturalcharacteristics embedded in the new travel culture, it was implied that this new middle class had potential to createand lead a new culture of Shanghai. The development of the new free-style travel product was deeply related to themanagement system of web based travel agency Ctrip which not only surpassed the traditional travel agencies but setthe new trend of varying travel culture. The running of the Ctrip network on which travelers easily uploaded theirtravel journal and shared experiences made possible to provide informations about travel sites and contribute to theformation of the entity of the area.Through the selected travel journal and comments on it, it is analyzed that initialsomewhat negative image of Shanghai as a flashy commercial city was transformed to a glamorous travel city inaccordance with the plan of Shanghai municipal government after the World EXPO.