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현대 사회는 모든 분야에서 급격한 변화를 겪고 있다. 그 과정에서 신속히 적응하지 못한 분야 가운데 하나가 교육 분야인데 우리나라의 경우 급기야 공교육의 위기라는 상황을 불러왔다. 이와 함께 교회 교육에서도 미래 신앙 교육방법에 진지한 대안을 염려하지 않을 수 없게 되었다. 과거 교육은 교사 주도적, 인지적 학습방법에 치우쳐 학생들의 잠재된 가능성과 창의력을 간과한 면이 있었다. 교회 교육 역시 학교식 교육과 유사하여 성경 공부도 그런 한계를 벗어나지 못하였다. 성경 내용이 성경 독자들에게 체험화되지 못하고 읽고 인지하는 수준에 머물러 있으므로 내용적으로 윤리적으로 육화(incarnation)되지 못하였던 것이다. 이런 주지주의적 성경교육이 가져온 폐단을 극복하고자 교회 안에서 개발된 것이 비블리오드라마(Bibliodrama)이다. 비블리오드라마는 유럽에서 포스트모더니즘의 전개와 함께 교회에 도입된 성경 교육 및 상담방법으로 각광을 받고 있다. 이 개념은 성경을 이성으로만 이해하는 데 그치지 않고, 몸과 감성, 영성, 행간의 상상력, 즉 온 몸으로 읽게 한다. 현대 기독교인들은 머리로만 아니요 가슴으로 말씀을 만나고 싶어한다. 비블리오드라마는 한국 교회의 미래를 위한 적절한 문화적 매개체가 되리라 본다.

Nowadays the contemporary society changes very fast. Even one can find this phenomena everywhere, in politics, economics, culture, education etc. Thus the educational range is perhaps that, which could not adapt to it in accordance with. One calls the crisis of the official education. On the basis of this situation the church situation shows up likely. Therefore the future and the growth of the Korean church are feared. In the past the educational method seemed teacher-oriented and too rationally one-sided. We called this intellectualism, reason-oriented method. The students could not bring their creativity out in this circumstance entirely. The Bible learning in the church becomes also like at school. The believer could read only by the head the Bible. Therefore what he read in the Bible, is not brought to the heart of the reader. The Bibliodrama wants to overcome this real situation which the intellectual learning of the Bible caused. Bibliodrama is considered as a method, which is welcome with the postmodernism into the church for Bible-education and Counseling in Europe. One can read thereby Bible with feeling, spirituality, imagination between the lines. The Bible reader reads Bible not only by the reason, but also by the heart. If one can use this method well, one can call the Bible word here and now to itself. We hope that Bibliodrama becomes more for the openness of the Korean church suitable cultural medium.

Nowadays the contemporary society changes very fast. Even one can find this phenomena everywhere, in politics, economics, culture, education etc. Thus the educational range is perhaps that, which could not adapt to it in accordance with. One calls the crisis of the official education. On the basis of this situation the church situation shows up likely. Therefore the future and the growth of the Korean church are feared. In the past the educational method seemed teacher-oriented and too rationally one-sided. We called this intellectualism, reason-oriented method. The students could not bring their creativity out in this circumstance entirely. The Bible learning in the church becomes also like at school. The believer could read only by the head the Bible. Therefore what he read in the Bible, is not brought to the heart of the reader. The Bibliodrama wants to overcome this real situation which the intellectual learning of the Bible caused. Bibliodrama is considered as a method, which is welcome with the postmodernism into the church for Bible-education and Counseling in Europe. One can read thereby Bible with feeling, spirituality, imagination between the lines. The Bible reader reads Bible not only by the reason, but also by the heart. If one can use this method well, one can call the Bible word here and now to itself. We hope that Bibliodrama becomes more for the openness of the Korean church suitable cultural medium.