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자기표현 미술활동은 매우 자연스러운 아동의 창작활동이기 때문에 인지적 교과에 비해 좌절감을 덜 느끼게 하며, 다양한 미술재료를 통하여 아동으로 하여금 작품 활동에 집중시켜서 산만성을 줄이고 실제적인 공격성을 창작으로 승화하게 할 뿐만 아니라 내면의 충동적인 요소를 창작 매개체를 통하여 표출시켜 주는 효율적인 문제행동 중재 방법으로 알려지고 있다. 이 연구는 다양한 방법의 자기표현 미술기법을 주의력 결핍 과잉행동아동(ADHD)의 주의산만 행동, 공격성 행동 변화를 위한 중재 전략으로 구성하여, ADHD아동 3명을 대상으로 실험 적용하였다. 연구방법은 대상자간 중다기초선 설계인 단일대상연구법으로 실시하였다. 자기표현 미술기법을 사용하여 주기적으로 활동함으로써 자기표현 미술활동이 주의력 결핍 과잉행동장애아동의 부적응 행동인 주의산만, 공격성에 미치는 효과를 검토한 결과 부적응행동이 뚜렷하게 감소되었다.

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) children's inadaptability (a careless act, an offensive act) through self- expression of the Art activities. These ADHD children were chosen from those who have no troubles in making up conversation with at least 90 or more intelligence (K-WISCⅢ), if you look at the research design, it is an experimental research of 3 children whose single subject research of the multiple base line across the subject design. Self-expression Art activities program was done 21 times which were contained by basic level, expressing level, transforming level, ending level and also examined whether the transformed act still maintained after a while. The result of this survey is as the following. First, Self-expression Art activities program have effectiveness in reducing the ADHD children's lack of attention. Second, Self-expression Art activities program have effectiveness in reducing the ADHD children's offensive act. Therefore the study of Self-expression Art activities program has effectiveness in reducing the ADHD children's inadaptability act.

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) children's inadaptability (a careless act, an offensive act) through self- expression of the Art activities. These ADHD children were chosen from those who have no troubles in making up conversation with at least 90 or more intelligence (K-WISCⅢ), if you look at the research design, it is an experimental research of 3 children whose single subject research of the multiple base line across the subject design. Self-expression Art activities program was done 21 times which were contained by basic level, expressing level, transforming level, ending level and also examined whether the transformed act still maintained after a while. The result of this survey is as the following. First, Self-expression Art activities program have effectiveness in reducing the ADHD children's lack of attention. Second, Self-expression Art activities program have effectiveness in reducing the ADHD children's offensive act. Therefore the study of Self-expression Art activities program has effectiveness in reducing the ADHD children's inadaptability act.