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본고는 도시 빈민 주거 공간의 한 형태인 ‘달동네’가 텔레비전 드라마에서 재현되어온 양상과 그 의미를 밝히는 글이다. 텔레비전 드라마에서의 공간은 당대인의 일상을 사실적으로 재현해내는 장소로서의 의미를 지닐 뿐 아니라 사회의 제반문제들과 밀접하게 관련돼 변화하는 표상 공간으로 기능한다. ‘시대’와 ‘사회’ 그리고 ‘문화’에 따라 그 표상 작용을 달리 할 뿐 아니라 현실사회의 변화를 이끌어내기도 하는 것이다. 한국 텔레비전 드라마에서 도시 하층민의 주거공간인 ‘달동네’가 연속극의 주 무대로 등장한 것은 1980년대 초부터였다. 1980년의 <달동네>가 방송되기 이전까지는 중산층 이하의 도시인이 텔레비전 연속극의 주역으로 등장한 예를 찾아보기 어려웠고, 따라서 서울 변두리 고지대의 하층민 주거지를 주 무대로 한 일일연속극 <달동네>의 출현은 획기적인 것이었다. 5.18광주항쟁과 신군부의 집권 등 정치사회적 혼란에도 불구하고, 이 드라마는 오륙십 퍼센트에 육박하는 높은 시청률을 기록하며 신드롬을 일으킨다. 드라마 <달동네>에서는 “열심히 살면 곧 나아질 것”이라는 희망을 끊임없이 설파하고 있었으며, 이는 변두리 ‘달동네’의 하층민들에서 도심 중산층으로의 계층상승이라는 1980년대 초 한국사회 구성원 다수의 공통된 욕망과 성공적으로 만나고 있었다. 이른바 ‘서민의 애환을 어루만져주는 드라마’로 열광적 호응을 얻은 것이다. 하지만 80년대 말에 이르면 달동네는 더 이상 희망의 공간으로 제시되지 않게 된다. 이는 1987년 6월 시민혁명의 성공에도 불구하고 도시 빈민의 주거환경은 더욱 열악해져 갔던 사실과 밀접한 관련이 있다. 강남개발을 핵심으로 하는 도시재개발 사업의 과정에서 달동네 주민들은 철저히 소외되고 축출되어, 그들의 삶은 더욱 피폐해져 갔다. “우리도 드라마 속의 저들처럼 잘 살 수 있다”던 희망이 환상에 불과했음이 드러났던 것이다. 1994년 MBC 주말연속극 <서울의 달>은 달동네 주민의 변화된 인식과 변질된 욕망의 구조를 풍자적으로 재현하고 있다. <서울의 달>은 도시 고지대의 빈민촌을 무대로 하고 있으며 계층상승에의 욕망을 서사화하고 있다는 점에서 1980년의 <달동네>에서와 유사하지만, 그들이 자신들의 욕망을 이루기 위해 선택하는 삶의 방식은 과거와 크게 달라진 양상을 보인다. <서울의 달>의 달동네 사람들은 제비족, 춤 선생, 꽃뱀 등 결코 ‘보통’의 ‘서민’이 아니며, 주인공 ‘홍식’은 “한탕 크게 성공해 미국으로 튀기” 위해 친구를 속이고 사기결혼도 마다 않는 인물이다. 달동네라는 공동체 공간에 대한 그들 스스로의 인식도 달라져 있다. 급속한 산업화에 따라 도시로 진입해온 실향민들이 서로 의지하고 위로하던 1980년의 <달동네>에서와 달리, 1994년 <서울의 달>의 달동네 구성원들은 서로 속고 속이며 쫓고 쫓기는 이전투구를 벌인다. 달동네는 더 이상 고향처럼 포근한 안식처로만 남아있을 수 없게 된 것이다. 요컨대 <달동네>에서의 달동네가 일상의 행복을 신화화하며 근대화 산업화의 장밋빛 판타지를 생산해낸 공간이었다면, <서울의 달>에서의 달동네는 그러한 판타지에 균열을 일으키는 저항적 공간으로 변화했다. 1980년 <달동네>에서 1994년 <서울의 달>에 이른 ‘달동네’ 표상의 이러한 변화는 근대화 산업화가 결국 우리에게 무엇이었는지 다시 한 번 되돌아보게 만든다. 한국의 자본주의 산업화가 빈곤층을 여하히 양산하고 소외시켜 왔으며 그들의 삶을 파괴해 왔는지, 텔레비전 드라마의 달동네 재현 양상과 그 표상의 변화를 통해 보다 실재적으로 확인해 볼 수 있는 것이다.

This is the paper about the representation patterns of 'Daldongne [shantytowns]' in the TV drama and its representation by focusing on the changes, the urban poor in Korea in the industrialization process of the life. Especially it reveals how their lives changed gone, in the process of urban redevelopment projects as the core to the development of Gangnam, Seoul, '70s And '80s, While the reappearance of such historical experiences as a medium to illuminate the role of television drama writing. Since the early 1980s, 'Daldongne [shantytowns]', the urban poor housing space, was emerged in the Korea TV Drama as the main stage of the soap opera. Previously, it was was difficult to explore a television soap opera emerged of the urban poor more than middle-class. Therefore, the highlands in the outskirts of Seoul, the lower class housing, the breakthrough of 'Daldongne [shantytowns]' as a main stage in a daily soap opera was the advent of. TV drama <Daldongne> was enthusiastic response to be obtained as 'a drama give comport to ordinary people, and soothe the sorrow of them. <Daldongne> had been preaching the hope constantly "Live hard, would be better soon". It was met successfully a common desire of Korea and a number of community members in the early 1980s. Their desire was rising hierarchy from Outskirts' shantytowns of the urban underclass to the middle class. However by the end of the '80s, 'Daldongne [shantytowns]' had not anymore be presented as a space for hope. In the urban redevelopment process as the core of Gangnam development, residents were alienated from the shantytowns, and they were driven further impoverished and their lives has become exhausted. The hope "We can live well in the drama like them" will be tightly integrated picture has more than a mirage. TV drama <The Moon of Seoul>, 1994, was representation to the structure of desire to reproduce and changed perception of the residents of these shantytowns. <The Moon of Seoul>(1994) is similar to <Daldongne>(1980) in the sense that made the narrative desire of rising hierarchy and setting in urban slums at the highlands, but it seems significantly different patterns to achieve their desire to choose a way of life. Their own perception for 'Daldongne [shantytowns]' in a community space was changed. Members of the shantytowns in the <The Moon of Seoul> lied to deceive each other and chasing pitched fights before being chased. 'Daldongne [shantytowns]' was not any more like a cozy home. In conclusion, 'Daldongne [shantytowns]' in <Daldongne>(1980) was the space of fantasy which were provided the myth of the rosy hopes for the future, but in <The Moon of Seoul>(1994) it had been changed as the resistance space that cause cracks Fantasy of the industrialization and modernizationin. The changes of representations of 'Daldongne [shantytowns]' in TV drama, tell us ultimately, South Korea's capitalist industrialization has made a lot poverty out and has been isolated them, destroying their lives.

This is the paper about the representation patterns of 'Daldongne [shantytowns]' in the TV drama and its representation by focusing on the changes, the urban poor in Korea in the industrialization process of the life. Especially it reveals how their lives changed gone, in the process of urban redevelopment projects as the core to the development of Gangnam, Seoul, '70s And '80s, While the reappearance of such historical experiences as a medium to illuminate the role of television drama writing. Since the early 1980s, 'Daldongne [shantytowns]', the urban poor housing space, was emerged in the Korea TV Drama as the main stage of the soap opera. Previously, it was was difficult to explore a television soap opera emerged of the urban poor more than middle-class. Therefore, the highlands in the outskirts of Seoul, the lower class housing, the breakthrough of 'Daldongne [shantytowns]' as a main stage in a daily soap opera was the advent of. TV drama <Daldongne> was enthusiastic response to be obtained as 'a drama give comport to ordinary people, and soothe the sorrow of them. <Daldongne> had been preaching the hope constantly "Live hard, would be better soon". It was met successfully a common desire of Korea and a number of community members in the early 1980s. Their desire was rising hierarchy from Outskirts' shantytowns of the urban underclass to the middle class. However by the end of the '80s, 'Daldongne [shantytowns]' had not anymore be presented as a space for hope. In the urban redevelopment process as the core of Gangnam development, residents were alienated from the shantytowns, and they were driven further impoverished and their lives has become exhausted. The hope "We can live well in the drama like them" will be tightly integrated picture has more than a mirage. TV drama <The Moon of Seoul>, 1994, was representation to the structure of desire to reproduce and changed perception of the residents of these shantytowns. <The Moon of Seoul>(1994) is similar to <Daldongne>(1980) in the sense that made the narrative desire of rising hierarchy and setting in urban slums at the highlands, but it seems significantly different patterns to achieve their desire to choose a way of life. Their own perception for 'Daldongne [shantytowns]' in a community space was changed. Members of the shantytowns in the <The Moon of Seoul> lied to deceive each other and chasing pitched fights before being chased. 'Daldongne [shantytowns]' was not any more like a cozy home. In conclusion, 'Daldongne [shantytowns]' in <Daldongne>(1980) was the space of fantasy which were provided the myth of the rosy hopes for the future, but in <The Moon of Seoul>(1994) it had been changed as the resistance space that cause cracks Fantasy of the industrialization and modernizationin. The changes of representations of 'Daldongne [shantytowns]' in TV drama, tell us ultimately, South Korea's capitalist industrialization has made a lot poverty out and has been isolated them, destroying their lives.